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placówki medyczne



Check products available in stock in Poland. Complete your project in a few days.

  • Equipment and equipment for hospitals/medical facilities
  • Warehouse in Poland
  • Own transport
  • Service Technician

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Optymalne wykorzystanie funduszy

Fast delivery

Settle subsidies efficiently and don't worry about deadlines thanks to our warehouse in Poland.

Korzystne ceny

Parts availability

Have access to spare parts thanks to our constant contact with suppliers and replenishment of stock.

Dojazd do klienta

Risk-free delivery

Don't worry about your gear getting damaged on a long intercontinental journey. You will receive the equipment from our warehouse in Poland in a few days.

Products in stock

Get information about prices and quantities of available equipment.

Zabezpieczenie przeciwepidemiczne

Epidemic protection

The safety of staff and patients is a priority for every medical facility. Rooms, surfaces and devices should be disinfected and free from dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Meble medyczne

Medical furniture

The basic equipment of every medical facility is widely understood medical furniture. Depending on the purpose, these can be hospital beds, medical cabinets, armchairs, trolleys, treatment tables or dressing tables.

Transport pacjenta

Patient transport

Hospital logistics includes, among others: safe transport of the patient - not only from the room to the block, or the admission room to the bed ward. It is also a daily transfer of the patient in order to perform care activities in safe and comfortable conditions.

Aparatura i urządzenia

Equipment and devices

Equipment and devices is a wide section devoted to devices necessary and recommended for the functioning of specific medical units. It is also specialized equipment supporting the daily work of doctors, operators and nurses.



A selection of the most proven solutions at the best prices. Selected assortment in the field of medical furniture, apparatus as well as devices for patient transport and anti-epidemic protection.



The latest products tailored to the needs of customers and market trends. Modern equipment, innovative solutions, innovative ideas. High quality of goods and affordable prices.


Learn more about our solutions

Make an appointment with our consultant who will help you find the best solution for you.

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Odroczony termin płatności

QR codes on labels

Scan the QR codes placed on the labels and access the technical specifications of the equipment.


Standard equipment available immediately

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Skaner temperatury

Explore customer reviews

View all reviews

“The unit was looking for devices that could decontaminate large rooms”

Zdzisław Olejniczak, program specialist of the Provincial Branch of ZOSP RP in the Opolskie Voivodeship.


“The work has now been greatly improved.”

Patryk Trybulec – Head of the Department of Health and Non-Governmental Organizations in the County Office in Będzin.


“Patients are very happy with the new beds”

Halina Śmieja, ward nurse at Hospital No. 2 in Bytom.


“At Egerton I am always able to find what I need at the moment”

Marzena Seledyn, ward nurse at the county hospital in Szczytno.


About us

We offer medical furniture, apparatus, equipment for patient transport and epidemiological protection. Equipment in standard configurations, available in a warehouse in Poland. Thanks to the ongoing replenishment of the stock, we ensure the availability of spare parts. We also guarantee service care.

Dowiedz się więcej

Have questions? Want to know more?

Make an appointment with our consultant who will help you find the best solution for you.

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Electric hospital bed
Electric hospital bed
€1,370.65 €1,269.12
Disinfection cabin
Disinfection cabin
€6,079.50 €4,942.68
We are a member of the Silesian Network of Medical Devices.
We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices.Our disinfection equipment is certified by the National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene
All products that are medical devices have the CE marking to confirm conformity with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ECC (MDD).
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