Pomagamy modernizować
placówki medyczne

Public medical facilities


We solve technical problems of professional users of medical equipment.

  • Medical Equipment
  • Spare parts and consumables
  • Service and post-purchase support
  • Advice, support, training

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Wykwalifikowany personel

Qualified staff

Get the necessary information about devices as well as professional after-sales assistance. Trained sales representatives will help you choose the right equipment, and the technical staff will provide product training and service care.

Przewidywalne koszty usług

Predictable service costs

Know the price of the service before it is performed. Contact us, present your problem and get detailed information on repair costs and time needed to remove the fault.

Dostępność części widoczna na stronie

Parts availability is listed on the website

Find out which spare parts we have in stock. See the estimated delivery time for the remaining items.


Specialist medical equipment

We offer high-quality medical equipment, spare parts and consumables, we service and train in the use of equipment.

Meble medyczne

Medical furniture

Basic equipment for every medical facility, both for bed rooms and treatment rooms. Manually or electrically adjustable hospital beds, bedside cabinets, treatment chairs, functional trolleys, treatment tables or dressing tables.

Transport pacjenta

Patient transport

Equipment for safe transport of the patient - not only from the room to the block or admission room to the bed ward, but also for everyday transfer of the patient for nursing activities. Transport carts, stretcher carts, patient lifts.

Aparatura i urządzenia

Equipment and devices

Specialist equipment supporting the daily work of doctors, operators and nurses. Devices used in hospital wards, supporting the proper care of patients of all ages. Patient heating, treatment and operating lighting, anti-decubitus mattresses and other devices such as oxygen concentrators or infusion pumps.

Usługi serwisowe


Ongoing repairs of medical equipment, periodic warranty and post-warranty inspections, professional advice in the field of medical equipment, training in the use of medical equipment and disinfection devices.

Części zamienne

Spare parts

A wide selection of spare parts for various types of medical equipment. Visible stock levels and estimated delivery time.

Zabezpieczenie przeciwepidemiczne

Epidemic protection

Equipment necessary during an epidemic threat, for use in both medical facilities and companies, offices or public places. Devices for temperature measurement, dry fog fogging, safe plasma decontamination, as well as disinfection cabins and patient transport chambers.

Realizacje w kraju i za granicą

Realizations in Poland and abroad

Over 5,000 beds sold to health care facilities throughout Poland, as well as deliveries of medical equipment to European countries. Successful projects in Lithuania, Moldova and Germany.

Bezpieczeństwo współpracy

Collaboration security

Get a reliable business partner. Reliability and stability of the company confirmed by the Certificate of Business Credibility 2020 Dunbar & Bradstreet. Join the group of satisfied customers.

Zdigitalizowany łańcuch wartości

Digitized value chain

Trust a company that has successfully gone through the process of digital transformation. Check the current prices, stock levels and download the appropriate documentation yourself thanks to our b2b system.

Plan inspections and service works based on a transparent service price list.

Recording serviced equipment.

See where your support request is. Each device has a unique number, thanks to which its quick identification is possible.

Spare parts available on the website

Select and buy the necessary spare part or additional element for the device through our online store. View prices and estimated delivery time.

Opinie klientów

Explore customer reviews

View all reviews

“Help and improve health care for patients with obesity.”

The KOS-BAR program assumes a holistic, comprehensive approach to patient treatment.


“Discussion of the issue of surgical treatment of obesity according to the regulation of the Minister of Health.”

Discussion of the issue of surgical treatment of obesity according to the regulation of the Minister of Health of October 12, 2018.


“Patients are very happy with the new beds”

Halina Śmieja, ward nurse at Hospital No. 2 in Bytom.


"In Egerton I can always find what I need"

Marzena Seledyn, ward nurse at the county hospital in Szczytno.


About us

We are a company that provides services to organizations that want to make the most of their health care resources. We offer medical furniture, apparatus, equipment for patient transport and epidemiological protection. Thanks to the ongoing replenishment of the stock, we ensure the availability of spare parts. We also guarantee service - warranty and post-warranty care as well as product training.

Find out more

Have questions? Want to know more?

Make an appointment with our consultant who will help you find the best solution for you.

Talk to our advisor

Electric hospital bed
Electric hospital bed
€1,370.65 €1,269.12
Disinfection cabin
Disinfection cabin
€6,079.50 €4,942.68
We are a member of the Silesian Network of Medical Devices.
We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices.Our disinfection equipment is certified by the National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene
All products that are medical devices have the CE marking to confirm conformity with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ECC (MDD).
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