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placówki medyczne


Equipment designed to work in harsh conditions

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Equipment for the care of overweight and obese patients

  • Specialist bariatric equipment
  • Choosing the best hardware
  • Preparing the facility to receive bariatric patients
  • Help in obtaining funding

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kompleksowa oferta

The most comprehensive offer on the market

Find ready-made equipment packages with specific specifications, tailored to a specific project or grant.

specjalistyczny sprzęt

Specialist high-quality equipment

Hardware repeatedly accepted by funders. Product database.


Many years of experience

Trust our specialists and see the opinions of clients who have completed projects related to the care of a bariatric patient with us.


Specialist bariatric equipment

We offer high-quality equipment with increased permissible load and properly selected dimensions.

transport pacjenta

Trolleys for transporting an overweight or obese patient

Light construction, compact dimensions, functional - easy to drive, do not require much force. They are perfect for narrow hospital corridors.

Łóżka szpitalne o zwiększonej nośności

Hospital beds with increased load capacity

Light construction, compact dimensions, functional - easy to drive, do not require much force. They are perfect for narrow hospital corridors.

Siedziska bariatryczne

Bariatric seats

Adjusted to each patient - seat height and depth. Comfortable and safe for the patient. They solve the problem of positioning the bariatric patient.

Materace przeciwodleżynowe

Anti-bedsore mattresses

Unique mode supporting deep breathing, personalization of settings, skin cooling function for patients with burn wounds.

Podnośniki pacjenta

Patient lifts

They allow you to minimize the risk of degeneration, pain and spinal injuries to which this professional group is exposed in connection with the activities performed.



Stable and reliable measurement, convenient control, the device can be optionally equipped with a digital height gauge that allows you to automatically calculate BMI.


Learn more about our solutions

Make an appointment with our consultant who will help you find the best solution for you.

Porozmawiaj z naszym doradcą

Potrzeby klienta

Selection of equipment to unique customer needs

Choose equipment with the right size and durability with us. Get the best solutions for your facility.

Projekty placówek bariatrycznych

Projects for bariatric facilities

Design a friendly and accessible facility with us, compliant with applicable legal requirements and standards.


Help in obtaining funding

Get support in obtaining funding thanks to our cooperation with a company that obtains grants and prepares applications in accordance with the latest regulations.

Take care of the comfort of your patients and employees

Relieving medical staff

Help facilitate the work of those directly involved in patient care. Choose functional and easy-to-use solutions.

Patient comfort

Provide comfort and dignity to overweight and obese patients with properly durable equipment.

Skaner temperatury

Explore customer reviews

View all reviews

“Help and improve health care for patients with obesity.”

The KOS-BAR program assumes a holistic, comprehensive approach to patient treatment.


"Discussion of the issue of surgical treatment of obesity according to the regulation of the Minister of Health."

Discussion on the issue of surgical treatment of obesity according to the regulation of the Minister of Health of October 12, 2018


“Patients are very happy with the new beds”

Halina Śmieja, ward nurse at Hospital No. 2 in Bytom.


“At Egerton I am always able to find what I need at the moment”

Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.


O nas

We offer equipment for hospitals, medical facilities and services, as well as other public services and organizations. Our range includes medical equipment and equipment supporting anti-epidemic protection. We carry out institutional orders. We also participate in tenders.

Find out more

Have questions? Want to know more?

Make an appointment with our advisor who will help you find the best solution for you.

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Electric hospital bed
Electric hospital bed
€1,370.65 €1,269.12
Disinfection cabin
Disinfection cabin
€6,079.50 €4,942.68
We are a member of the Silesian Network of Medical Devices.
We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices.Our disinfection equipment is certified by the National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene
All products that are medical devices have the CE marking to confirm conformity with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ECC (MDD).
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