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Air decontamination unit

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Air decontamination unit

ZENVA is a device for air decontamination in various types of rooms. At home and in public buildings, it enables a constant supply of microbiologically clean air. In medical facilities, including specialized hospital rooms with increased sanitary rigor, it provides epidemiological protection to staff and patients.


Air decontamination unit
Air decontamination unit

Effective disinfection in the presence of people

Zenva is at the absolute top when it comes to performance. It is able to purify the air in places with a high density of people, which directly affects safety in situations of epidemic threat.

Air decontamination unit

Medical Quality Standards

Zenva is manufactured on production lines intended for advanced equipment for operating blocks. Therefore, it is subject to demanding quality and research procedures, the same as, for example, operating lamps or hospital gas systems.

Air decontamination unit

Proven Effectiveness

Zenva destroys more airborne particles than competitors. It has been tested by an independent laboratory for effectiveness. It is certified by the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene (NIZP-PZH).

You can find out more about air decontamination and how hospital rooms are disinfected here: Medical decontamination of hospital rooms



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Technical data

Maximum room size: 150 m³
Performance: 1500 m³/h
Dimensions: 52x45x180 cm
Weight: 65 kg

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Egerton je správcem osobních údajů sp. z o.o. Ul. Legnicka 21, 41-811, Zabrze, Nip: 6482773837, Regon: 36121664800000 Poskytnuté osobní údaje budou správcem použity pouze pro kontaktní účely.

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Он является администратором персональных данных Egerton sp. z o.o. Ul. Legnicka 21, 41-811, Zabrze, щипок: 6482773837, Регон: 36121664800000 Предоставленные персональные данные будут использоваться администратором только для связи.

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Zobacz wszystkie opinie

“Jednostka szukała urządzeń, które będą mogły dekontaminować duże pomieszczenia”

Zdzisław Olejniczak, specjalista ds. programowych Oddziału Wojewódzkiego ZOSP RP województwa opolskiego.


“Obecnie praca została znacznie usprawniona.”

Patryk Trybulec – Naczelnik Wydziału Zdrowia i Organizacji Pozarządowych w Starostwie powiatowym w Będzinie.


“Pacjentki bardzo chwalą nowe łóżka”

Halina Śmieja, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu nr 2 w Bytomiu.


“W Egertonie zawsze jestem w stanie znaleźć to, czego aktualnie potrzebuję”

Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.

We are a member of the Silesian Network of Medical Devices.
We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices.Our disinfection equipment is certified by the National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene
All products that are medical devices have the CE marking to confirm conformity with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ECC (MDD).
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