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The implementation of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in the medical environment brings numerous benefits that significantly improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare. The first important aspect is the integration of systems, which allows for the smooth flow of data between various applications and medical systems. Thanks to this, medical staff can easily access complete patient information from various sources, which in turn translates into faster and more accurate clinical decision-making.
The ESB facilitates communication between systems, which facilitates easier sharing of data and information between different medical facilities and medical disciplines. This in turn contributes to a more holistic approach to healthcare, improving the quality and effectiveness of treatment.
ESB enables centralized management of patient data and other medical information, leading to improved quality of care by providing a more complete picture of a patient's health and facilitating better clinical decision-making.
ESB enables real-time data transfer, which is essential for quickly sharing key information with clinical medical staff. Through system integration and process automation, ESB contributes to increased operational efficiency of medical facilities, streamlining workflow and eliminating unnecessary data duplication.
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Zdzisław Olejniczak, specjalista ds. programowych Oddziału Wojewódzkiego ZOSP RP województwa opolskiego.
1Patryk Trybulec – Naczelnik Wydziału Zdrowia i Organizacji Pozarządowych w Starostwie powiatowym w Będzinie.
1Halina Śmieja, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu nr 2 w Bytomiu.
1Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.