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General surgical operating table enriched with equipment necessary for performing gynecological, urological, plastic and other surgeries. Reliable oil-free drive allows for long-term operation and negligible operating costs.
The TDY-Y-1 electro-hydraulic operating table is an advanced medical device designed for a variety of surgical operations, including C-arm and X-ray imaging. The table offers a high degree of automation, low noise and reliable operation, thanks to imported components.
The TDY-Y-1 operating table has a stable frame structure of the table top and base, which provides comfort to doctors. The table top can be adjusted in height, and the cushions are removable for easy cleaning. The table is equipped with numerous accessories that can be easily attached with brackets.
Regular maintenance of the TDY-Y-1 operating table is essential for its long-term and safe operation. The technical condition of the device should be checked regularly and any irregularities should be reported to the service. The table cushions should be cleaned with alcohol and disinfected with UV radiation. In the event of a failure, immediately stop using the table and contact the technical service.
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Zdzisław Olejniczak, specjalista ds. programowych Oddziału Wojewódzkiego ZOSP RP województwa opolskiego.
1Patryk Trybulec – Naczelnik Wydziału Zdrowia i Organizacji Pozarządowych w Starostwie powiatowym w Będzinie.
1Halina Śmieja, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu nr 2 w Bytomiu.
1Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.