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placówki medyczne
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The bed is characterized by the possibility of precise adjustment, from height (450 mm to 790 mm) to the angle of the backrest (over 70 °) and the thigh section (over 25 °). Additional functions such as Trendelenburg and anti-Trendelenburg (up to 12 °) allow the bed to be adapted to the individual needs of the patient, supporting their treatment and rehabilitation.
The priority in designing the A1 model was to ensure maximum safety and comfort for patients. High-quality HDPE side rails prevent falls, and locking systems protect against uncontrolled movements. Additionally, the bed is equipped with CPR functions (both electric and manual), which guarantees a quick response in emergency situations.
We understand how important aesthetics are in a hospital environment, which is why the A1 model offers a wide range of colors. This allows the bed to match the interior of the ward, creating a friendly and calm atmosphere for patients. Personalization goes hand in hand with functionality, creating a bed that is not only practical, but also aesthetically fitting into the hospital space.
The model uses the latest technologies, including advanced linear actuators and remote control systems, which facilitates operation and increases the efficiency of medical staff. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials and safety and quality certificates, the A1 bed is a reliable solution that will meet the expectations of even the most demanding hospital environments.
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Hospital Bed Models – Design Features and Functions
Visiting the world's largest medical equipment factory
Functionality of stay beds
Zdzisław Olejniczak, specjalista ds. programowych Oddziału Wojewódzkiego ZOSP RP województwa opolskiego.
1Patryk Trybulec – Naczelnik Wydziału Zdrowia i Organizacji Pozarządowych w Starostwie powiatowym w Będzinie.
1Halina Śmieja, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu nr 2 w Bytomiu.
1Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.