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The toxic drugs management module ensures safe storage of high-risk substances. Each storage cell is equipped with a lockable cover that opens according to the prescription after double authorization. Thanks to this system, access to toxic drugs can be precisely controlled, minimizing the risk of adverse events.
The Drug Discovery Management module ensures that all access data is kept up to date. This allows administrators to track all system usage in real time, allowing for a quick response to any potential drug access issues.
Refrigerated Drug Management The module enables medication storage at a controlled temperature of 2 to 8°C, with real-time temperature and humidity display. This ensures that medications requiring refrigeration are stored in the right conditions to maintain their efficacy and safety.
The Boxed Medicines Management module manages large batches of medicines in bulk packaging, assigning each storage location a specific package and monitoring its quantity. This facilitates effective warehouse management, minimizing the risk of errors and shortages in deliveries.
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Treatment and operating lamps
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Pressure wound training
Zdzisław Olejniczak, specjalista ds. programowych Oddziału Wojewódzkiego ZOSP RP województwa opolskiego.
1Patryk Trybulec – Naczelnik Wydziału Zdrowia i Organizacji Pozarządowych w Starostwie powiatowym w Będzinie.
1Halina Śmieja, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu nr 2 w Bytomiu.
1Marzena Seledyn, pielęgniarka oddziałowa w Szpitalu powiatowym w Szczytnie.